So it's ok for media to cry wolf?
We all know too well the story of Timmy crying wolf. Making up stories for attention, seeing what havoc he can stir up. There's supposed to be a moral to the story right? Well, not everyone has picked up on that. The news media seems to think that it's still alright today. William Randolph Hearst was scrutinized many years ago for coining "yellow journalism." We are supposed to be beyond that now days. We have a moral and ethic code to follow for all journalist, right? One thing that keep reappearing in the media is that association of scarves with terrorism. This is driving me crazy! Since when has Rachel Ray been a terrorist? A Dunkin Donuts campaign showed her wearing a silk scarf around her neck and it has now lead to a media frenzy questioning and suspecting her of supporting terrorism. Now apparently it's not OK to wear scarves for fashion or religious beliefs because YOU SUPPORT TERRORISM. I read an article recently about how two muslim women that were Obama supporters were asked to not sit directly behind him in front of the cameras because of their headscarves. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi also falls victim because she work a floral scarf on her head while visiting Syria. I think many people agree that this has gotten out of hand. It is ridiculous to stereotype and the media is having a field day with it. They are falsely associating people with terrorism for what, rating and profit! It's almost amazing how they are able to pull stuff out of thin air. We all know what happens in the end to Timmy that cried wolf. Hopefully the news media and journalist that report this crap will succumb to the same fate.
I'm not sure who you're blaming for these incidents, or what role the media had. In the Rachael Ray incident, one respected journalist blogger wrote that the scarf was inappropriate, and Dunkin' Donuts decided to pull the ad. The Obama incident was a decision made by his people, not the media. I don't know about the Nancy Pelosi incident, but you need to explain your opinion better.
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